LinkedIn Marketing Promoting Your Business For Free

LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn is the platform where you will find both your clients and next hires.

So, you can consider it an amazing platform for promoting your business; you just need to have a budget for that. LinkedIn is an amazing platform for branding both yourself and your business. 

For all those B2B businesses, it brings a lot of benefits. Hwee you are directly connected with your potential clients. 

When you are running a business, you will also require the best talent to run your business operating smoothly. LinkedIn also provides you the opportunity to get highlighted in the eyes of those professionals. 

You can do both by just promoting your business with LinkedIn Marketing. 


Now, the question is, how can you promote your business? Here we will discuss that. 

Promote Your Business For Free On LinkedIn Marketing

We can not tag LinkedIn as just a social media platform. It is a recruiting app that you can get for free from the Pirate Bay, a job search site, a professional business networking site, and also a social media platform at the same time. 

LinkedIn got more personal information from you than any other media. Anyone from your Instagram or Twitter will hardly know where you have done your schooling or in which organization you have volunteered. 

LinkedIn has all of this information. It makes the promotion job a little different from most of the other media platforms. 

Optimize Your Personal Profile

It does not matter what type of business you are going to promote on LinkedIn; your personal profile is the one where everything starts. In order to attract potential customers and partners, you require an attractive profile, which will tell people exactly what you do. 

This way, they will get a reason to connect with you. There are a lot of tools available that will suggest to you how you need to optimize your personal profiles. Using those tools, you will be able to market your business on LinkedIn and land more clients. 

Always remember your personal profile is the rock on which you will build the rest of your marketing strategy

Craft A Company Page

In case you are a business owner, a marketer, or an entrepreneur, you will require a company page. A LinkedIn company page offers you a way to convey to your partners, random strangers, and potential clients a little more about what your business is all about. 

It works almost the same way as your personal page does. Your logo and name will appear near the top, and that will also have a follow button underneath. In the about section, tell more about who you are, what exactly you do, and add a link to your official site. 

Develop LinkedIn Posts

Blog posts can always engage your target audience along with solving a problem and teaching something exciting plays a huge role in content marketing. 

By creating LinkedIn posts on the topics your target audiences will be interested in, you will be able to position yourself as an expert. 

For post creation, you mainly have 2 available routes. You can either syndicate a post from your existing blog or create a fresh post that answers a question your target audience might be searching for. 

Get Active In LinkedIn Groups

Join a relevant LinkedIn network group to get your name on the list and raise awareness about your business. You might be worrying about finding a suitable group for your business and interests. 

Here LinkedIn search will help to find the perfect group. Just use the industry keyword, and you will get a long list of the existing groups. When you are joining a group, one is a little picky, as developing a reputation and creating strong relationships always take time. 

Post Engaging Updates

When you are opting for social media, you must remember that updates are the underrated heroes. It is all about how we communicate with our connections. So, in order to be in the limelight, you must write killer updates. 

Sharing an interesting story or a short piece of news can work really great here. It is not overly self-promotional and will also inspire a bit of conversation. The algorithm of LinkedIn is mostly weighted towards the content, which gets a lot of likes. 

When you are crafting content, you need to ensure that you are focusing on engagement. 

About admin

I write about technology, marketing and digital tips. In the past I've worked with Digital Tech, Tirupati Trip. You can reach me at

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