6 essential automations for your Ecommerce


Marketing automation strategies can help you improve the results of your business on the internet, increasing not only your sales but also the satisfaction of your customers. It is a way to improve your business profits with low cost and a high return on investment.

To achieve the best results with automation marketing , there are 6 indispensable automations that will allow you to win over your clients and potential clients. Do you want to know them?

Welcome email

Within business marketing, welcome emails are emails sent to customers after signing up for a service, downloading a file, or purchasing a product.

They are essential at the same time that they are the first contact that a user who has become a customer or lead receives from you . So you have to do a good job to make the best impression.

It can help you to do the first user segmentation . Taking into account that, according to data from Easy SMTP, its open rate is 86% higher than other emails and its transaction rate is 336% higher, it is necessary that you dedicate time to its preparation.

One of the advantages of automation in the welcome emails is that, once prepared, dedicating few resources to it, you will obtain very good results. In addition, it is an email already expected by customers and that you can take advantage of to publicize new products, offer discounts, take users to a new step in the purchase process and other uses.

But above all, the key to automation is that emails will arrive at the moment, thereby increasing the opening possibilities.

Nutrition through email marketing campaigns

One of the keys to generating more sales in your business is by consulting the best email marketing specialist that will help you structure your emails for maximum potency and only show the most relevant content to your subscribers. Once you have your own contact list it will build an effective email nutrition flows.

good lead nurturing strategy will convert your website or online store visitors into potential customers, and later into loyal customers. Since most leads are nurtured through content , it is important that it is relevant.

You must use lead segmentation techniques to develop the best nutrition strategy that increases sales opportunities using the automations created. For this you have to take into account the previous actions of each user.

Leads or prospects will not be convinced in the first email , so it is necessary to lead them to the purchase decision by sending relevant content according to the purchase phase in which they are.

This is something that you will easily achieve with marketing automation, creating a good lead nurturing campaign that sends the right messages, and at the right time, to each segment of your contact list.

Recover abandoned carts

According to studies, the rate of abandoned carts in electronic commerce exceeds 70% worldwide, a figure that is easily exceeded in Spain, with up to 86% of abandonments.

Knowing that more than half of your customers regret it at the last moment of purchase, you should know how to take advantage of this figure in your favor.

There are many reasons for this abandonment . The customer may not be prepared for the purchase, may be undecided, may not want to pay the shipping costs, the purchase process may seem complex, the payment method they are interested in is not provided, or any other reason.

Knowing these reasons and taking action, you will be able to significantly improve your results . You can also use remarketing with online ads, so that your potential clients don’t forget about you. Likewise, you can opt for marketing automation by sending emails with which to convince these potential customers to recover their abandoned cart .

If you add any additional advantage to this email, such as a discount for purchase at that time or free shipping costs, you can recover between 13 and 25% of abandoned carts, according to our experience working on ecommerce profitability strategies. Therefore, it is advisable to send an email one hour after abandonment with an attractive headline.

It is interesting that you try again 24 hours later, and a third time a few days later.

Customer service: Email post purchase

The post – purchase emails are not one of the strategies used in the conversion funnel, because customers have already converted. However, it is a good post-conversion marketing strategy to learn more about your customers and build loyalty.

The information received from this contact will be interesting to create loyalty and trust, which will allow them to speak well of the brand and even recommend it. This well-crafted contact message can be very effective.

To know the need to resort to customer service after the purchase, you just have to remember that acquiring a new customer costs between 5 and 25 times more than retaining one .

Your business must show customers that you appreciate that they have trusted you . It can be done with automated emails, with contacts to confirm payment, inform about return policies, product use information, feedback to show that your opinion matters or otherwise.

A Harvard Business Review study shows that 56% of customers are not satisfied with the follow-up after purchase, and more than half of them share their dissatisfaction with at least 10 people around them.

As you can see, a good follow-up with automated post-purchase emails is much more important than it seems.

Reactivation of users through reminders

Sending your prospects reactivation emails to get their attention will help increase your database and sales. After getting leads for the brand, there are several steps that can be carried out in an automated way so that they mature and become prospects, and these in customers of your business.

Sending reactivation emails to undecided prospects in order to persuade them to buy is far more effective than it sounds. There are many undecided clients, who take certain actions until they make the decision to buy, which “forces” them to give them that push they need to convert. 

Likewise, through these reminders you can contact your inactive or former clients through a friendly approach or by offering an incentive of their interest.

To achieve the best results, it is important to learn to know the interests and needs of potential clients. It is also adapting the tone and message to each recipient of emails.

Sending Newsletters

Although there are those who consider sending a newsletter as an outdated technique that does not work, the truth is that this classic continues to work and can become a good user loyalty tool .

The sending news bulletins with interesting information about the company, news from the sector and other interesting content current can generate sales opportunities. They can be used to capture the attention of users.

The key is to create interesting content, headlines that motivate you to enter the email, a suitable design and attract attention so that users take the action that interests them.

Therefore, it should be noted that:

  • Welcome emails are well received by users and you can use them for other purposes.
  • With good nutrition through email marketing campaigns with good content, you will be able to increase your conversions.
  • You can recover up to 25% of abandoned carts with automations.
  • Customers highly value post-purchase service.
  • With reactivation emails you can persuade some prospects to convert.
  • Sending the newsletter is not dead, it is still cheap and effective.

About admin

I write about technology, marketing and digital tips. In the past I've worked with Digital Tech, Tirupati Trip. You can reach me at softvisiondevelopmentofc@gmail.com

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