Write for Us on Software, Information Technology, Gadgets, Business Technology, Web Development and Mobile Technology
We are welcoming professionals, freelancers, bloggers and writers who want to provide guest posts. Here’s your chance to write for us on software, web development, information technology, mobile technology, gadgets and business technology. You can publish unique and innovative articles on our website and establish yourself as an industry expert.
Got more questions? Don’t hesitate to drop us a mail at softvisiondevelopmentofc@gmail.com
If you have the skill to write comprehensive and high-quality content and enjoy working, submit your write for us guest post on information technology, gadgets, business technology, software, web development and mobile technology. Our marketing and editorial team will work with you before publishing the content on our website.
We are a great platform to showcase your writing skills and are looking for people who are in search of the right platform to publish their work. We encourage individuals with different ideas, experiences and tips to write for us on business technology, software, web development and mobile technology among numerous other topics.
Show Your Writing Skills and Write for Us on Information Technology, Software, Gadgets, Web Development, Business Technology and Mobile Technology
We appreciate bloggers, writers and professionals with a knack for writing to come up with valuable content we can share on our website. However, it’s important to follow some key guidelines when writing for us on mobile technology, business technology, web development, software, information technology and gadgets. Once the evaluation process is complete, our team will get in touch with you and publish the article to make it available to readers that may be looking for the information you provide.

Our Content Submission Guidelines to Write for Us on Web Development, Software, Mobile Technology, Gadgets and More
When looking to write for us on any of the above-mentioned topics, please be sure to follow the guidelines provided by our editorial team. It has been provided to ensure the article meets the standards of our website.
- Make clear and strong arguments that are supported by details, examples and fact-checked data.
- Include a well-placed graphic or data set.
- Make the headline catchy and use relevant H1, H2 and H3 tags.
- Avoid long introductions and get the point to keep readers interested.
- Send your submission using an MS Word or Google document.
- Add one backlink to your associated blog or webpage.
- The target word count is 700 words. However, we prefer in-depth and long-form posts.
- Please send a draft with the chosen topic and structure.
- Include summary paragraphs of the key points you will cover.
- Include an author bio containing your details.
- Refrain from submitting articles or ideas that are already published on another website.
- Write relevant and high-quality guest posts that trigger interest in our readers.
- Link all facts to credible and relevant data sources.
Topics You Can Choose for Guest Posting
- Tech News, Internet, Computers
- Gadgets, Mobile Apps
- Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data
- Blockchain, Security, Crypto Currency
- Digital Marketing, Web Apps, Mobile Apps
- Software
- Information Technology
- How To
- Digital Marketing
- Cyber Security
- Marketing Automation Software
- Car Rental Software
- Complaint Management Software
- Brand Management Software
- Blog Software
- Market Research Software
- Online CRM Software
- Virtual Data Room Software
- App Development Software
- Business Continuity software
- Construction Management Software
- CMS Software
- Social Networks
- Web Development
What We Are Searching For?
We are looking for anyone who has a passion or flair for writing guest posts, blogs and articles. Writers, freelancers and bloggers should be able to provide unique and high-quality articles that encourage our audience to read them. And, when writing for us on software, information technology, mobile technology, web development, business technology or gadgets, you should understand the requirements. This guarantees you provide a great article that we can publish on our website.
We love collaborating with creative professionals and writers that have the talent and skills necessary to create articles as per our requirements and expectations. Plus, you should have the ability to put yourself in the shoes of the readers and think from their perspective. This will help you create informative and interesting content. Also, the article should be suitable for the categories mentioned above to be published on our website.
Some other things we are looking for are:
We want well-researched, fact-checked and in-depth articles that are at least 700 words. And, you can write as many as 3000 words. In fact, articles that are 1500 words or so are typically the ones that do well.
We refrain from publishing articles that have already been published on our website or elsewhere. As any writer who works digitally knows, Google doesn’t appreciate duplicate content. And, we hate being a second choice.
Real-Life Examples
We encourage writers and professionals to share real-life experiences with our readers. And, you can use examples to help our readers understand the topic you attempt better. Remember, it’s your unique standpoint and experience that will be the most valuable asset of your article. And, it will also add value to it as nothing else will.
Impeccable Grammar
To make sure there are no grammatical or syntax errors present within your document, be sure to run it through Grammarly. And, the best part is that it is a free tool. You can also ask a friend to go through the article. While we might not be able to spot our own mistakes, it’s always easier for someone else to find them.
Actionable Tips
We are looking for practical takeaways that our readers can use and implement in their life and/or work. That said, you can use research, theories or science to support claims you might be making. This ensures a comprehensive article that is helpful and insightful. Keep in mind that it’s important to add relevant links to reputable sites and sources that back up your claims and make them reliable.
Reader-Friendly Formatting
When writing for us on gadgets, information technology, web development, software, mobile technology or business technology, the articles should be easy to scan through. Hence, you should include shorter paragraphs, relevant images and appropriate sub-headings. Our readers should be able to understand the main takeaways as soon as they read the headlines.
What Are the Benefits of Writing for Us on Web Development, Business Technology, Mobile Technology, Gadgets, Software and Information Technology?
- It will drive traffic to your blog and/or website.
- It will help you gain quality backlinks.
- You will receive the right exposure.
- You will have help to build and maintain online influence.
- You will get to meet more like-minded people like you.
So, are you ready to write for us on mobile technology, web development, business technology, gadgets, software, information technology and more? If so, great! Here’s how you can get started.
Submit your blog idea and topic to our email – softvisiondevelopmentofc@gmail.com
Once we receive your submission, we will take anywhere between 3 – 5 days to review it. If your article meets our editorial standards, we will get in touch with you and let you know your article is good to be published on our website. And, even if we don’t, you can still expect to hear from us.
Please note that our editorial team reserves the right to make changes to the submitted articles as they see fit. And, we will be in contact with you regarding any required changes before publishing your article on our website.