A Beginner’s Guide For Writing Quality Guest Posts

Guest Posts

Guest posting is the most powerful strategy for building an audience and getting quality backlinks for your website. But given the immense competition in digital marketing, it’s not easier nowadays to land great guest posting opportunities. 

Are you new to the world of quality guest posting  and don’t know how to write amazing guest posts? Keep reading this article as we will show you how you can write them in 2021 and beyond! You have to ensure that you produce amazing content as a guest contributor that top blogs love to have you on their guest section.

Aim For Newbies

Think about the field of your expertise. If you visit any of the authoritative blogs in your industry, will you rely on the “Guest Contributions” section for learning something new? The thing about the “Guest” section on any blog is that it attracts beginners rather than experts of the industry. 

So you should focus your Guest posts around the needs of beginners instead of targeting the pros. There are plenty of newbies in any industry, and if you write amazing posts for them, they will be quick to share your posts and follow you on your blog. 

Here’s how you can find the topics that will engage the newbies:

  1. Find out what topics are popular for the blog you’re writing for. 
  2. Do some research to find out what things are difficult for newbies. 
  3. Understand how a blog treats the new learners on their blog. 
  4. Write around “101” topics of your target industry. 

Show Your Character

A blog has its cadence, and the frequent contributors on it carry a theme for writing and covering different topics. But when you are writing a guest post for any blog, you have to ensure that you come out as a different person to your audience. 

Now, it doesn’t mean that you have to present your starkly different views or have to go off bounds with the writing style. On the contrary, you can manage to present yourself differently on any guest post, which comes with its perks.

First off, your different writing style and angle of covering different topics allow you to show your brand’s integrity to your readers. It also helps in engaging your readers and compels them to check out your website. 

Follow The Guidelines

Following the contributor guidelines set by the blog you’re writing for is more important than anything else. If you don’t follow their format in the first place, you will be asked to rewrite your content, and it may even result in a rejection from the blogger. 

Make sure that you read the contributor guidelines thoroughly and don’t make any mistakes following the guidelines. Following the guidelines ensures that you have a strong chance of getting featured, and it can also save you from reworking your content.

Provide Awesome Images

Enhancing the visual impact is necessary for you to engage your readers. At this age, you have to ensure that you provoke your readers to action with proper visuals. Unfortunately, many guest contributors tend to skip the process of adding images, but it can come back to bite you – here’s how:

  • Bloggers might add images in the blog that don’t support your content. 
  • The images they include might be beneficial for your competitors. 
  • A post without any image will end up with no attention. 

Make sure that you use royalty-free images in your guest posts from websites like Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay, etc., so your content is more compelling, friendly, easy-to-read, and attractive at the same time. 

Provide The Reference

If you have done any college assignments in the past, you might be already familiar with the importance of giving references in your write-ups. References allow you to show your credibility and reflect that you have spent your time reading before writing a single word. 

Another added benefit of adding references or backlinks to guest posts is that it helps the content rank better on search engines. This is because the crawlers or spiders that search engines use to value the content give relevant backlinks to authoritative websites. 

Ensure that you hyperlink relevant phrases whenever you write a guest post and give backlinks to the top websites in your industry. 

Readability Of Your Content

Content is the king as long as people accept it; otherwise, it will lose its value among the readers. Unfortunately, interest usage has decreased people’s attention span over the years, and it is a warning sign for the writers out there. 

How can you ensure that people ACTUALLY read your content and value what you provide? The easiest way of ensuring that readers love your content is by making it more readable. Readers will love you if your content can be scanned and skimmed; plus, they will be more willing to share your content. 

Here’s how you can make your content readable for your readers:

  • Keep all your sentences short. 
  • Avoid using jargon in your content. 
  • Make headings and subheadings.  
  • Use common and easy words. 
  • Provide bullet points. 

There’s plenty of helpful advice online that can help you write amazing content, so make sure you read it before writing a single word. 

Value Your Reader

One of the most difficult things while writing content is valuing your readers. Most of the time, writers go with the flow and end up writing content that’s good ONLY for themselves. Remember that your goal as a writer is staying relevant for your reader and writing content that teaches them something new.

The best way of valuing your reader is learning about copywriting. On the surface, copywriting seems all like writing promotional content, but deep down, it teaches you how you can write what your reader desires. 

Your guest posts will sell like hotcakes if you value your reader, stay on the point, and don’t beat about the bush in your content. It will help you stay above your competition and will ensure that your content gets the social shares it deserves.


Writing guest posts is super helpful to help you build an audience and get the backlinks you need for your growth. However, you can get guest posting from an SEO agency if you want to save your time. Happy Writing! Follow the guidelines mentioned above so you can write amazing guest posts all by yourself.

About admin

I write about technology, marketing and digital tips. In the past I've worked with Digital Tech, Tirupati Trip. You can reach me at softvisiondevelopmentofc@gmail.com

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