Digital Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Real Estate

The real estate sector is currently experiencing great growth. How to stand out from the competition?

While companies of all sectors and sizes can benefit from social media, it plays a huge role for real estate agents. Why? Because it is about creating relationships of trust, and with a good digital presence we can position ourselves as experts and create a community of followers who will trust us for one of the most important transactions of their lives.

For several years now, I have worked with many real estate agents as clients and have given several lectures on this topic. I have a good understanding of the business and its particular challenges for marketing.

Are you starting your digital presence? I share some strategies that I recommend you implement to generate leads and close more sales.

Where to start?

You must prioritize your time and focus on the platforms that your client is currently using.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to be the best in social networks, you want to be the best in business thanks to the good use of social networks, and although it seems the same, it is not. Do not look for popularity, a frequent mistake is to be seduced by vanity metrics; Forget that and work on creating relationships with your community and you will see how you can grow your business figures without needing a large number of followers.

  • Website: It is very important that you are the owner of your online presence, and that this is your digital home. Having a website allows people to find you easily and to see that you are a serious and trustworthy professional. On this website, people will find information about the professional you are, the links to your social networks, your contact information, the testimonials of your clients and a blog where you can share content.
  • Google My Business: This is the Google business directory, create your account filling in each space carefully as this is something that will allow you to be found easily. You will be surprised with the tools that are at your disposal and the best of all is that it is free.
  • The Facebook family: Most start their digital presence with Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, which are part of the same family, this because one is familiar with these tools and feels comfortable using them. The first thing I recommend is that you set up professional accounts so that you have access to commercial functions that allow you to view statistics, invest in targeted advertising, and schedule content.
    Write an attractive bio and fill in each space on your profile carefully.

How to start?

It is important that you work wisely, thinking in the long term. Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to be creative and innovate.

  • Content: It is key that you publish enriching content, and that you are authentic. Write the way you speak, share about what matters to you and this will lead you to create quality relationships. We often forget that social media is social and that we are talking between people. So focus on creating content that leads to conversations that educate and inspire.
  • Discipline: You have to be present for your followers, allocate time in your agenda to publish regularly, this regardless of the number of properties you are offering. You will have results according to the effort invested, and relationships in social networks are the same as all relationships. Time must be invested to gain trust and bond with your community.
  • Interaction: You have to give to receive. The most successful people on social media are those who spend time interacting. If you want to generate engagement, make sure to put clear calls to action in your posts, and once you engage, join the conversation. Create a positive experience that develops meaningful relationships with potential and current customers.
  • Learning: Digital Marketing is a continuous learning process. Do not close yourself to a strategy, since each community is unique and you will need the information from your statistics to know what works. Study, learn and adapt.
  • Patience: The results are not immediate, creating a community takes time, but as your understanding of social tools increases, you will refine your methodology and you will become efficient in managing your time.

 What kind of content?

The content has to be created strategically so that it leads you to meet the Marketing objectives that you have.

  • Blog articles: In this space is where you position yourself as an expert in the field. Share valuable content for both your future and current clients. Think about the needs, doubts and fears of both the people who buy and those who sell real estate.
  • Publications on social networks: Do not dedicate yourself solely to publishing the offers you have, seek to give advice to your target audience according to what you are selling, the area and the purchasing power. The idea is that your posts help you gain the trust of your followers.
  • Videos: Most buyers are interested in virtual tours so it is a good idea to share videos from the places you have listed. Plan your recording in advance to ensure that the current owners are not in the place and check the environment well so that you do not show private information about them.
  • Stories: This tool allows you to give advice, share ideas, and take your followers to take a look at the places you are offering. People appreciate exclusive access to places they wouldn’t normally visit. You can also share testimonials and experiences of your clients.

About admin

I write about technology, marketing and digital tips. In the past I've worked with Digital Tech, Tirupati Trip. You can reach me at

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