How to optimize your content with Pinterest and Google


Creating content is increasingly complicated due to the amount of competition there is, so it is very important to know what works well for your company and especially for your audience.  

Nobody wants content that does not attract, the purpose of creating content is to generate valuable interactions with our community and rank ourselves in Google to attract prospects to our website.

How do we achieve successful content that will appear in the Google search engine?

We have to put a solid plan in place so that our content is as optimized as possible. Today we will see a visual strategy in which Pinterest is key to helping us achieve strategic results.

Work smart by creating content that will be successful across multiple searches.

Why Pinterest People go to Pinterest to find something and take action. The pins remain valid for much longer so it gives greater visibility to the content.

How do we optimize the content?

  • Define the keywords with which you want to be identified.
  • Check the current content of the first page of Google and analyze its success factors.
  • Create content with valuable information that clearly explains the topic you are developing.
  • Design graphics with interesting visuals and calls to action that you will use to illustrate the article and to post on Pinterest.
  • Add the content to Pinterest optimizing it to the maximum with text, link and keywords.
  • Share on your other social platforms using those keywords as hashtags.

How do we create valuable content?

  • Solve problems: Answer the frequently asked questions that your customers, prospects and followers ask both on social networks and in your business.
  • Add value: It is important that you clearly know who your ideal client is and what that person needs to achieve success in the area you solve.
  • Share resources: Develop different content formats that help with clear and specific steps to your community.

Get good results on Pinterest

  • Create content that leads to action and provides solutions.
  • Attract with visually appealing content and remember to include a variety of images in the article.  
  • Make it achievable, break down the topic well, making them solutions that can be put into practice easily.
  • Share fresh ideas. Give added value to your readers.
  • Be positive. Pinterest is inspirational so post content with a positive tone.
  • The design is important, it has to be clear and of good quality, The recommended dimension is 1000 × 1500 pixels (2: 3)
  • Use old publications. Find your timeless blog posts and create new images for them and share them on Pinterest.  

Get good results on Google

  • Optimize speed: Good image quality is important, but don’t make the mistake of creating too heavy images that will affect the loading time of your page.
  • Images without text: Avoid embedding text in images, especially in important elements such as page headers and menu items. To ensure maximum accessibility of your content, keep the text in HTML, and provide alt text for images.
  • Use text that describes the image (alt text): This optimizes accessibility for people who cannot see the images on websites. Google uses alt text in conjunction with computerized vision algorithms and page content to understand the topic.

The key elements of Google search

  • Keyword: find the right topic. Spend time searching for what people are looking for to find your business blog. That will give you additional content ideas.
  • Content on your page: SEO on the page. Strategically use H1, H2, tags and add images.
  • Reliability: Domain Authority. Post high-quality content that is original, well presented and optimized.

Where to add keywords for Google Search: What search bots scan

  • The link to your content.
  • The Meta Title.
  • The Meta Description.
  • Your content.
  • The images (Alt text, title, etc)
  • Keywords in your article (title, subtitle, two or three times in the content and once in the meta description)

Growth strategies:

  • Quality is very important. Create content that instantly grabs attention.
  • Use a variety of images and content.
  • Create new content for your posts.
  • Add image creation to your schedule for each post you make.  
  • Check the statistics to know what your audience likes.
  • The ideal pin has a quality image, text that provides context, includes your logo, tells a story, and has a call to action.
  • You want long-term results, so spend time creating quality, consistency, and value.  
  • Create boards with themes of your field. Share these boards with people in your company to give greater visibility since they will be shown in their profiles.  
  • Share valuable content pins. Make sure to keep your board up-to-date by posting pins that position you as an expert in the field frequently.
  • Analyze your actions: Use Google Analytics, Pinterest Analytics to know what is working best, then create new images adapted to your results.

SEO for your images

  • Name your images. Include your keyword in the name
  • Add alt tags. Describe what’s in the image so that both search engines and people can understand.
  • Stay tuned for keywords. Keyword consistency is when you include it in the most important places.
  • Use high-quality images. You can find many places that provide quality images inexpensively.
  • Reduce the file size. Heavy images can slow down your website and slow it down to load. If the site takes too long, people leave it.
  • Add context. The images have the function of helping to explain your article and add value. Use it for support by creating lists, charts, and infographics.

Final tips:

  • Be disciplined: You can schedule content on Pinterest, that will help you have a better publication frequency.
  • Figures: Monitor your statistics frequently to learn as much as you can about your audience and their content preferences.
  • Calm: Every day 6 billion searches are made on Google, you must be patient before seeing your page located in privileged places.  
  • Update: The algorithm evolves daily so make sure you stay informed by visiting SEO sites at least once a month in case there are any major changes that you should know about.
  • Value: Focus on creating valuable and visually interesting content that is both computer and mobile friendly.

About admin

I write about technology, marketing and digital tips. In the past I've worked with Digital Tech, Tirupati Trip. You can reach me at

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