How to update your blog content to get more subscribers


If you have a blog and you want to revitalize it, this strategy will not only give you wonderful results, but it will also make you have more subscribers.

To create a content update, all you have to do is take a blog post and create some kind of resource that will help your reader apply that strategy more quickly and easily. You then offer the resource on the same page as your blog post in exchange for the reader giving you their email.

That is a content update. These make your content more attractive, more useful and is an excellent strategy to get more subscribers on your mailing list.

The objective of the update is to give additional value to those who are interested and are willing to give you their email in exchange for that additional value.

  1. Find your best articles : Which posts get the most traffic? What posts are shared the most on social media?
  2. Identify the resource that will make your content more valuable: Visit your best articles and analyze the best way to reward it. It can be with a to-do list, templates, video tutorial, interview, downloadable pdf version of the article, visual guide, infographic, etc.
  3. Create the resource: Obviously the better the resource, the more subscribers you will have. So don’t skimp on quality.
  4. Add the resource to your website: Upload the document and create a custom link
  5. Update the article image:   Make sure to add a call to action to the image so that new readers will know that there is a downloadable in the article.
  6. Additional links: Create an additional button in the middle of the article and a link at the end.
  7. Connect your campaign with your mailing list : Set up your campaign and don’t forget the thank you page
  8. Promote your article on Social Networks: Post the article on your social networks and be sure to mention the additional resource.
  9. Deliver the content to your readers: It is important that your reader receives the document immediately, verify that each automated stage works correctly. 
  10. Get more: Get ready to receive more traffic and more subscribers to your mailing list.

Your content update should be short and easy.

Create a content update that ties directly to the topic of your blog post.

Make it valuable: Value comes in many shapes and sizes, the important thing is that you offer valuable content that complements your current content.

Good presentation: This is your opportunity to start a good relationship with your reader, deliver good content that is well presented. Make sure your brand is easy to identify.

Immediate delivery: Make sure you have everything automatic so that delivery is immediate.

The wonder of a good blog post with a content update is the benefits your business gets added to all the new subscribers you’ll have. The audience appreciates the extra value you give

About admin

I write about technology, marketing and digital tips. In the past I've worked with Digital Tech, Tirupati Trip. You can reach me at

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