How to close a sale?


A lot of attention is paid to closing a sale, but in reality, most of the work required to be effective in sales is nearing closing. If you’ve followed the sales workflow by getting to know your customer, building rapport, and coming to a mutual understanding of how exactly you can solve a problem your customer has, then closing is simply asking for the sale.

Here are several ways to make your application successful:


If your sale involves paperwork or any kind of preparation, go ahead and prepare everything to accept the sale. Bring pens, cards, new customer packages, etc.


You have worked hard to build a relationship with your client. Maintain trust during your relationship and maintain eye contact with her client.


Laughter is friendly and fun and can definitely ease tension during a sale. You don’t want to use humor at your own expense (that doesn’t convey confidence), and never try to be funny at your customer’s expense, but it’s certainly okay to lighten the mood during a negotiation or sale if you can.


It is always best to communicate clearly during a sale. Try not to speak too fast or use big words. Make everything you say as clear as possible.

When you close a sale by solving a problem, four different things happen:

  1. You are helping someone to rationalize the decision they want to make
  2. You are helping someone avoid procrastination
  3. You are helping someone cope with their fear
  4. You are helping someone overcome their indecision.


If selling is so closely related to listening and building a good relationship with your customer, then you may be wondering how I can apply all these sales strategies to your online business, or is it possible in the first place?

The answer is yes! You can build an absolute relationship and listen to your customer if your business is online.


Whether you prefer to communicate by email or by phone, make sure your primary contact method is featured on every page of your website.

Use CTA buttons that prompt the visitor with questions like “How can I help you?”, “Do you have feedback for us?” Or “Call to schedule a free consultation.”

Write a blog where, as a business owner, you communicate openly and transparently with your readers. Transparency builds a good relationship.

Include a presentation video on your site, where you ask your client for their comments or questions.

Host live Q&A webinars. Some clients may be more inclined to initially engage with you and ask you questions that way than to contact you directly by phone or in person.

Find out which social networks your target audience is on and interact with them there. Social media is a great way to listen and build rapport.

Survey your clients and ask for comments, testimonials and references.

Stand out and celebrate your customers on your website, on your blog and on social media.



While you need to be able to communicate the benefits of your product or service, limit the amount of time you spend talking to your customer and set aside most of your time together to listen.


Shameless self-promotion is a baggage term, but you shouldn’t be apologetic or shy about introducing yourself.

Develop a “speech” that you can use to introduce yourself and your business to others.

If you are going to be successful in sales, you will have to constantly work to create more opportunities for yourself.


Do you have happy customers? Do you work with suppliers or other companies with which you have good relationships? Ask them for recommendations! Some of the most successful companies do not do traditional marketing. They focus on taking care of the people they work with and, in turn, receive business from referrals

About admin

I write about technology, marketing and digital tips. In the past I've worked with Digital Tech, Tirupati Trip. You can reach me at

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